Projects Kanchana

Recently Kanchana has done several projects for us.
She has used a donation from the Dietzel family, for which we are very grateful to the family, to purchase Solar-lights and folding tables for the students in Mahaoya.

Food parcels have also been distributed in the Maha Oya area. The poorest families also received a package for the children with underwear, socks, a T-shirt and coloring pencils.

The water well at Warapatiyaj junior school has been re-drilled and equipped with a new water pump. This pump is placed in a newly built lockable room. Also, for safety, two concrete slabs have been placed over the water source. By means of new pipes to the chemistry room, the toilets and washbasins, the school has been supplied with streaming water again. The 220 students and teachers can make use of this. A separate water tank has also been installed that the 49 residents of the surrounding houses can use.
The residents use the same water source as the school.

So, a very nice project has been realized here, thanks to the Green Heart Campaign.
We are very happy with this.

Projects Kanchana