Trip 2010 General

To find donors it a difficult task. People are very willing to give stuff, of course of which I am very grateful, but it is much harder to find donors to give a substantial or even small amount of money.

Over the last years donors came and left again.

Company Appoint supported our cause for about 4 years after the  Tsunami. Pacapime supported us for one year and so did Texpeck in Hungary. My school The Ark in Heemstede helped us as well for 3 years.

LCPACKAGING is the only company who has supported us over the last 10 years of which I am very grateful. They helped me with a warehouse, transport, money and containers.

However this year I had only money from LCpackaging (1000 euro) and was desperate for another company to help but nobody did. I saved up some money and my mother sold my daughter’s clothes and so I saved up another 300 euro’s but I needed more.

Then…out of the blue a lady called me at school and wanted to talk to me about Sri Lanka. I was gob smacked. To make a long story short. We meet up, she was interested in our projects. Her name was Rina Fransen and she gives clothes, furniture etc. to second hand shops and will be out on boot sales as well. With this money she helps different projects and yes… you might guess what happened next. She wanted to help our projects and I was over the moon.

She was and is my angel.