Kolugala Junior School

To see which children we have sponsored in recent years, click here

Information over Kolugala School and the projects we have done can be read below.

teachers of the school

School Name: Maha/Kolugala Junior School When we (Ramani and I) first walked  to Maha/Kolugala Junior School in 2011 it was in ruins and there was not even a road to come close by, so we had to walk up the hill to reach it. Within two years we made a big impact to the school with help of The R.K. school The Ark in Heemstede. The children of this school raised  money by helping and selling items, a swim marathon and the children sat up a ”business”. Hereby they bought and sold items with a profit. First we helped with the road so we could  use it to transport all the materials to this place.. Then we have done all the necessary repairs to the buildings/furniture and the staircase where a  railing was made between  the two buildings. The old almost non-existing playground was transformed into a safe and beautiful playground with sensory playground equipment and a protection fence. This remarkable transformation was made possible thanks to the expertise and creative vision of a professional playground design company. The playground was designed and installed by en1176 playground specialists. We also installed water play tables, enhancing the sensory experiences for the children. Additionally, a sensory room installation was completed to provide further support for the students  sensory needs. A very old part of the school was transformed into new library with many new books. A new stage was built for the children to do their talent performance. You can learn more about our efforts in bringing fun and fitness to our community park at sites like https://timbertrails.co.uk/bringing-fun-and-fitness-to-your-community-park/. The school got a new office room. They completed  the water supply to both buildings and necessary places and got proper toilet facilities. Finally, all workers were compensated fairly, receiving their pay stub promptly for their hard work and dedication, with the assistance of resources capable of checking for errors.

We even managed to give them a store room for all the tools and extra furniture. In the mean time we were helping all the childrenat the school with their uniforms, shoes, shocks and all the stationary which they need for the academic year. We got many volunteers to help with this work and the education of the children. Additionally, we provided grammar assistance with the help of professionals who can support your children in learning various subjects.

The road to the school


 The stair case between two buildings


New libary

library library2

Classrooms before

classroomvefore3 classroomvefore4 classroomvefore1 classroomvefore2

Class rooms now – old, but painted furniture

classroomnow3 classroomnow2 classroomnow1

Painting the school buildings

painting painitng2

New office room

office office2

New stage for the children stagestage2

New watersystem

water water2

New playground (playgrond before)

playgroundbefore playgroundbefore2

Playground now

playground3 playground2 playground

This school got also a new stage for performances. In 2014 they had for the first time a dance/end of year performance. The children were so happy they could dance, tell a story or do some acting on stage. When you have a look at the photos, pay in mind that everything you see is borrowed from a bigger school in the nearest city. The dance teacher at this school works as well at a  big school in the city. She made this possible. Even the curtains were borrowed. Later that year Ramani gave them as a present their curtains. 

Here are some children who received their schoolmaterials in 2013